
Ali Jacko Commends African DJs

Two-time world lightweight kick-boxing champion, Ali Jacko has sent a touching motion picture to Merqury Republic, organizers of the Ghana DJ Awards talking about his love for DJs, his music and how music unites people.

In the video below, the boxer turned musician endorses the Ghana DJ Awards with warm felicitations to prospective nominees and winners at the 5th Annual Ghana DJ Awards 2017.


Ali Jacko is a human phenomenon, from Bangladeshi origins he is a British born East End of London success story; inspired by a chance meeting on an airplane with Muhammed Ali, Jacko chose kickboxing for a career, a risky choice for someone with SVT (a serious heart condition) but his talent and ambition ultimately won him five World Champion titles. His humble beginnings and ultimate success have drawn numerous comparisons from Rocky to Kickass.

His musical foray began as recently as August 2015 when his most important relationship of five years fell apart, he tried wooing his beloved back with love song karaoke covers, this soon revealed a passion for singing and was a great way of expressing his emotions to the lady in question.

As a fan of Bob Marley and Bryan Adams he strived to impress voice coach Matthew Thompson, clearly Sef Naqui of LBE Music Group and Illy Jaffar of Kinetic Creative Communications were equally impressed and signed him up, only 3 months later the album Give My Love a Brand New Name is released.

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